Empowering change maker collectives who are reestablishing earth-centric and regenerative ways and economies

The theory of change that ECOSavvy particularly utilises is a Complexity Informed Impact Assessment that can be of immense benefit to organisations undertaking purpose driven works.

    As the old systems begin to break down, the opportunity to design new ones emerges. 

    ECOSavvy is a sustainability consultancy, specialising in systemic change facilitation.

    Principal consultant Sandy McCathie has a diverse professional portfolio of sustainability work and skills gathered over many years.

    Adaptable, insightful and with strong communication and facilitation skills, Sandy is available to provide short-term and part-time sustainability facilitation as required.

    Her goal is to become a sought after specialist championing the use of systemic change facilitation to achieve transformational outcomes from the collective actions of change makers who are re-establishing earth-centric and regenerative ways and economies.

      “Taking a complex adaptive systems approach is a game changer. It dramatically improves the chances of organisations who are acting to cause change, being successful in that.”

      Complexity Informed Impact Assessments

      Undertaking complexity informed impact assessments on a solution ecosystem can identify both gaps and replication in efforts. This can enable better allocation and distribution of resources, so that the changes society so urgently wants and needs, can be realised sooner.

      Principally, the goal is NOT for each initiative to achieve impact in all 36 characteristics but to ensure that through the collective effort of diverse initiatives working in the same geographic area on that challenge (the solution ecosystem) that all 36 characteristics are being actioned.

      An example of the output from Wicked Lab’s Tool for Systemic Change.

      ECOSavvy offers complexity informed impact assessments.

      A complexity informed impact assessment is a structured conversation with your initiative's program manager, evaluating your initiative against 36 characteristics that are known pre-conditions for complex adaptive systems change occurring.

      Each of the 36 characteristics is marked in Wicked Lab's Tool for System Change as being achieved or not and opportunities for enhanced impact are identified.

      Program managers, and those they report to, benefit from developing an increased understanding of their program's ability to produce systemic change, insight into how small tweaks in program activities can increase the likelihood of change occurring and validation of program impacts.

      Additional insight is achieved when multiple initiatives working to solve the same or a similar problem, in the same geographic area, are assessed. 

        ECOSavvy uses Wicked Lab's Systemic Change Assessment Framework and award-winning 'Tool for Systemic Change' to amplify the effectiveness of programs and initiatives working to solve complex challenges.

          The service is particularly suited to empowering change-makers working within:

          • government agencies
          • government or philanthropically-funded organisations
          • for purpose businesses and social enterprises
          • corporates undertaking environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives
          • not-for-profits
          • community initiatives
            Diagram showing traditional linear thinking compared with systems thinking

            The approach recognises that the big challenges facing society are not simple, or even complicated, but complex, requiring non-linear systems thinking to shift them. 

            The approach draws on the specialist field of expertise, complex adaptive systems leadership theory, developed and enabled by South Australian firm, Wicked Lab.

              ECOSavvy is an offering arising from my strengths, learnings and life experiences.

              It draws from 20+ years of professional experience delivering behaviour change, engagement, program management and policy work in diverse areas that includes:

              • systemic change
              • indigenous recognition and empowerment
              • social enterprise
              • sustainability in schools
              • circular fashion
              • new economy transition
              • net zero transition
              • climate change science and advocacy
              • midwifery-led birth care
              • energy efficiency behaviour change
              • sustainable & affordable housing design
              • commercial building tenancy sustainability
              • sustainable urban development
              • urban biodiversity
              • reef ecology
              • mining rehabilitation
              • water catchment management
              • hydrology

              It also draws on my experiences as a women, a mother, a wife, daughter, friend and community member.

              ECOSavvy is particularly interested in working in the areas of:

              • local community development / connectedness
              • ecosystem health
              • people's wellbeing
              • connection with nature/place/Country
              • the adoption of regenerative ways
              • the elevation of matriarchal values
              • housing affordability
              • improved recognition of our interconnectedness
              • the Uluru Statement from the Heart

              ECOS = OIKOS (greek) = our economy & how we live

              dodecohedron = transformation


              It is increasingly recognised that the extractive, global, growth economy that facilitated the emergence of modern life, no longer serves communities around the world who are confronting climate change, ecosystems collapse, geopolitical instability, inequity,  economic struggle, anxiety, anger, fear and grief.

              In my lifetime, I have observed so much desire from businesses, governments, organisations and individuals who want to make ethical choices and yet our current economic systems externalise environmental and social equity, meaning that our current economic systems on the whole do not encourage regenerative behaviours and in fact still often reward those who extract and concentrate wealth.

              Until our economic system rewards regenerative ways, sharing, circularity, fairness and caring, the path to achieving wellbeing and  hopefulness in our communities and a peaceful planet will remain unattainable.

              This realisation a few years ago was followed by exploration. How do we create social change? What would life be like if it were kinder, fairer and the earth thriving? What might the new economy that supports this look like? How we can cause rapid systemic change – to get from where we were to where we want to be?  What changes are required within ourselves to do this work?

              Part of the answer is to recognise the interconnectedness of all things, and to be aware that people around the world are waking up. Change is happening all around us already. 

              We also urgently need to incrementally change our economy.

              Each of us has our role to play.

              For a confidential conversation exploring the suitability of this approach to amplifying the impacts of your area of interest, please be in touch.

              Thank you for connecting. Looking forward to speaking with you soon.

              Sandy McCathie
              + 61 (0) 409 294 798


              3/240A Latrobe Tce

              Paddington (Brisbane) QLD

              AUSTRALIA 4064

              ECOSavvy acknowledges the Yuggera and Turrbal Peoples, the Traditional Custodians of Meanjin (Brisbane).   

              We pay respect to Elders past and present and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

              Acknowledgement of Country